Monday, March 30, 2009

Unleashing modules

I’m a big fan of the Autofac IoC-container, it’s pretty light weight, blazingly fast and very object oriented. One of the features I love the most is the ability to divide the boot strapping code into modules. Also, to set up your dependencies in code with a fluent interface rather than in an xml-file is great in so many ways (intellisense and refactoring to name a few). The one problem I’ve found with this is that it couples your assemblies tighter than they might need to be coupled.

The problem

Let’s consider this example: We have an application that makes use of the service IFoo, this interface is defined in the assembly FooAssembly. There is an implementation of the IFoo-interface called XmlFoo in the XmlFooAssembly and this implementation is the implementation we want to use in our application. The implementer of the XmlFooAssembly has been nice enough to provide a module that registers the XmlFoo as an IFoo and also registers services that the XmlFoo-implementation itself is dependent upon. This is quite nice since now, in our boot strapping code what we have to do is to register that module along with any other registrations we have, something like this:

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

builder.RegisterModule(new MyApplicationDependencyModule());
builder.RegisterModule(new XmlFooDependencyModule());

var container = builder.Build();


This is all pretty nice and clean, not much of a problem right? Well, there is one problem with this, in order for us to register the XmlFooDependencyModule we have to have a reference to the assembly where it’s defined (XmlFooAssembly) from our application assembly, note that this is the only place we need this reference, in all other places we’re programming against the abstraction IFoo, not the XmlFoo. This couples the assemblies more tightly than they need to be. It’s not that this is a giant problem, and it can be solved by using xml-configuration of dependencies rather than using the module directly, however, another problem with this is that if we’re using the same dependencies in multiple applications we have a lot of boiler plate code in that is duplicated along applications.

Your going to fix this are you?

Well, yeah, there is a point with this blog post. I guess you’re familiar with MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework), if not go read up on it, it’s a very cool technology. My idea is that we could use MEF to export the modules from the assemblies that implement them and import them in the application that uses them, this way we can remove the reference to the XmlFooAssembly. Instead of registering the modules we know exists, we register all modules that are “magically” imported. To do this I created a new module type that inherits the Autofac.Builder.Module-class and is called ComposedModule. You can for example instantiate the module with a path to a directory that contains a number of assemblies, the composed module will then (through MEF) find all the exported modules in the assemblies in the folder. When you register this composed module in your builder it will register all the imported modules in the builder:

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

builder.RegisterModule(new ComposedModule(@"c:\MyApplicationDirectory"));

var container = builder.Build();


You could actually give the ComposedModule a MEF-catalog instead of the directory path and the ComposedModule will use this catalog to load the exported modules:

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

builder.RegisterModule(new ComposedModule(new AssemblyCatalog(this.GetType().Assembly)));

var container = builder.Build();

A blog post about the implementation details and some other features of the ComposedModule is coming in the next few days so please check back for that.


  1. There are definitely times when I would have liked to have this feature - thanks for the interesting article.

  2. Actually, there's a MEF integration layer for Autofac in Autofac´s SVN repository:

  3. @Aguiar, the MEF-integration available from Autofac contrib is one that allows you to register MEF-catalogs in your ContainerBuilder. This is something completely different.

  4. This sounds like a very clean approach to combining Autofac with MEF and I look forward to seeing your class code. Well done!
