Tuesday, May 25, 2010

FakeItEasy Login Service Example Series – Part 4

This is the fourth part in the series of posts where I’m porting Brett Schucherts excelent demo of Mockito in Java to C# and FakeItEasy.

The source for this example series can be found in a Mercurial repository at Google code. Each test implementation and following code update is a separate commit so you can easily update your repository to look at the full code at any given state. Find the repository here.

Part 1 can be found here.

Part 2 can be found here.

Part 3 can be found here.

Test 4 – Two Fails on One Account Followed By Fail on Second Account

This is one of those requirements you ask "Really?!" This requirement comes from an actual project, so while it might sound bogus, it is an actual requirement from the real world.

The Test

public void Should_not_revoke_other_account_when_first_account_has_failed_to_log_in_twice()
    // Arrange
    A.CallTo(() => this.account.PasswordMatches(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(false);

    var secondAccount = A.Fake<IAccount>();
    A.CallTo(() => secondAccount.PasswordMatches(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(false);
    A.CallTo(() => this.accountRepository.Find("other username")).Returns(secondAccount);
    // Act
    this.service.Login("username", "wrong password");
    this.service.Login("username", "wrong password");
    this.service.Login("other username", "wrong password");

    // Assert
    A.CallTo(() => secondAccount.SetRevoked(true)).MustNotHaveHappened();

Test Description

This test is a little longer because it requires more setup. Rather than possibly messing up existing tests and adding more setup to the fixture, I decided to do it in this test. There are alternatives to writing this test's setup:

  • Leave it as is, it's not too bad.
  • Add the additional setup to the SetUp() method, making this a larger fixture.
  • Put this test is another fixture, different setup --> different fixture (this would be more of a BDD style).

Since my primary purpose of this tutorial is to demo FakeItEasy, I'll leave it as is until I notice additional duplication.

There are 4 parts to this test:

  1. Set the password matching to false on the account.
  2. Create a second account, with a never-matching password and register it with the account repository. Notice that this uses a particular account name, "other username". FakeItEasy, will use the latest configured call before any earlier configurations so this rule has precedence over the configuration in the setup that matches any account name.
  3. Login two times to the first account (both failing), then log in to a second account, also failing. That's three failures in a row, but to two different accounts, so no account should be revoked.
  4. Verify that the secondAccount is not revoked.

Things Created for Compilation

This test compiles without any new methods. It does fail with the following exception:

Assertion failed for the following call:
Expected to find it exactly never but found it #1 times among the calls:
  1.  'FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService.IAccount.PasswordMatches("wrong password")'
  2.  'FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService.IAccount.SetRevoked(True)'

Code Updated to get Test to turn Green

To get this new test to pass, I added a new member to the LoginService class: previousUsername. Then I updated the login method to take advantage of it:

namespace FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService
    using System;

    public class LoginService
        private IAccountRepository accountRepository;
        private int numberOfFailedAttempts;
        private string previousUsername;

        public LoginService(IAccountRepository accountRepository)
            this.accountRepository = accountRepository;
            this.previousUsername = string.Empty;

        public void Login(string username, string password)
            var account = this.accountRepository.Find(username);

            if (account.PasswordMatches(password))
                if (this.previousUsername.Equals(username))
                    this.numberOfFailedAttempts = 1;
                    this.previousUsername = username;

            if (this.numberOfFailedAttempts == 3)

This allows all tests to pass. Would it have been possible to do less? Maybe, but this was the first thing that came to mind. The code is starting to be a bit unruly. We're just about ready to clean up this code, but before we do there are a few more tests.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

FakeItEasy Login Service Example Series – Part 3

This is the fourth part in the series of posts where I’m porting Brett Schucherts excelent demo of Mockito in Java to C# and FakeItEasy.

The source for this example series can be found in a Mercurial repository at Google code. Each test implementation and following code update is a separate commit so you can easily update your repository to look at the full code at any given state. Find the repository here.

Part 1 can be found here.

Part 2 can be found here.

Test 3 – Not logging in with wrong password

The first two tests have made good progress, however to keep the number of assertions per test small (so far one) and to make individual tests less dependent on the underlying implementation, this next test forces a fix to the code and probably would have been a better second test than one you just created.

The Test

public void Should_not_log_in_when_password_is_wrong()
    // Arrange
    A.CallTo(() => this.account.PasswordMatches(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(false);

    // Act
    this.service.Login("username", "wrong password");

    // Assert
    A.CallTo(() => this.account.SetLoggedIn(true)).MustNotHaveHappened();

Test Description

This test takes advantage of the recent test refactoring. Before ever getting into the test method, the SetUp method:

  1. Created a fake IAccount.
  2. Created a fake IAccountRepository.
  3. Configured the IAccountRepository fake to return the fake IAccount for any username.
  4. Created a LoginService and injected the IAccountRepository.

There’s not much left:

  1. Set the fake IAccount to not match any password.
  2. Attempt to login.
  3. Assert that the SetLoggedIn method is never called with true.

Things Created for Compilation

This test did not require any existing classes to have new methods added.

Failing Test

The test fails with this message, FakeItEasy finds the specified method call once and lists all the calls to the faked IAccount.

 Assertion failed for the following call:
  Expected to find it exactly never but found it #1 times among the calls:
    1.  'FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService.IAccount.SetLoggedIn(True)'
    2.  'FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService.IAccount.PasswordMatches("wrong password")'

Code Updated to get Test to turn Green

The LoginService needs to be updated:

namespace FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService
    using System;

    public class LoginService
        private IAccountRepository accountRepository;
        private int numberOfFailedAttempts;

        public LoginService(IAccountRepository accountRepository)
            this.accountRepository = accountRepository;

        public void Login(string username, string password)
            var account = this.accountRepository.Find(username);
            if (account.PasswordMatches(password))

            if (this.numberOfFailedAttempts == 3)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

FakeItEasy Login Service Example Series – Part 2

This is the fourth part in the series of posts where I’m porting Brett Schucherts excelent demo of Mockito in Java to C# and FakeItEasy.

The source for this example series can be found in a Mercurial repository at Google code. Each test implementation and following code update is a separate commit so you can easily update your repository to look at the full code at any given state. Find the repository here.

Part 1 can be found here.

Test 2 – Revoking accounts

User story

After three consecutive failed login attempts to the account, the account shall be revoked.

The test

public void Should_revoke_account_after_three_failed_login_attempts()
    // Arrange
    var account = A.Fake<IAccount>();
    A.CallTo(() => account.PasswordMatches(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(false);

    var accountRepository = A.Fake<IAccountRepository>();
    A.CallTo(() => accountRepository.Find(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(account);

    var service = new LoginService(accountRepository);

    // Act
    service.Login("username", "wrong password");
    service.Login("username", "wrong password");
    service.Login("username", "wrong password");

    // Assert
    A.CallTo(() => account.SetRevoked(true)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Once.Exactly);

Test description

  1. Create a faked IAccount. Unlike the first test, this fake never matches any password.
  2. Create an IAccountRepository fake and register the IAccount fake with it for any username.
  3. Create the LoginService as before, injecting the IAccountRepository fake.
  4. Attempt to login three times, each time should fail.
  5. Finally, verify that the account was set to revoked after three times. Note that I specify the number of times it should be repeated to once exactly in this case, this is to show the syntax for how to specify repeat. In the first test we just said that the call should have happened any number of times, in this test we say that it must have happened exactly once. -Patrik

Notice that this test does not check that SetLoggedIn is not called. It certainly could and that would make it in a sense more complete. On the other hand, it would also tie the test verification to the underlying implementation and also be testing something that might better be created as its own test (so that’s officially on the punch-list for later implementation).

Things created for compilation

Added the new method SetRevoked(bool isRevoked) to the IAccount-interface.

namespace FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService
    public interface IAccount
        bool PasswordMatches(string password);
        void SetLoggedIn(bool isLoggedIn);

        void SetRevoked(bool isRevoked);

Failing test

The test fails with the following message:

Assertion failed for the following call:
Expected to find it exactly once but found it #0 times among the calls:
  1.  'FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService.IAccount.SetLoggedIn(True)' repeated 3 times

Note that all the calls that has been made to the fake object are listed in the message so that you can easily see what is happening and why the test is failing. -Patrik

Code updated to get test to turn green

Here’s one way to make this test pass (and keep the first test green).

namespace FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService
    using System;

    public class LoginService
        private IAccountRepository accountRepository;
        private int numberOfFailedAttempts;

        public LoginService(IAccountRepository accountRepository)
            this.accountRepository = accountRepository;

        public void Login(string username, string password)
            var account = this.accountRepository.Find(username);

            if (!account.PasswordMatches(password))

            if (this.numberOfFailedAttempts == 3)


Sure it is a bit ugly and we can certainly improve on the structure. Before doing that, however, we'll let the production code ripen a bit to get a better sense of its direction. Instead, let's spend some time removing duplication in the unit test code. Rather than make you work through several refactoring steps, here's the final version I came up with:

namespace FakeItEasy.LoginService.Tests
    using FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService;
    using NUnit.Framework;

    public class LoginServiceTests
        private IAccount account;
        private IAccountRepository accountRepository;
        private LoginService service;

        public void SetUp()
            this.account = A.Fake<IAccount>();
            this.accountRepository = A.Fake<IAccountRepository>();
            A.CallTo(() => this.accountRepository.Find(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(this.account);

            this.service = new LoginService(this.accountRepository);

        public void Should_set_account_to_logged_in_when_password_matches()
            // Arrange
            A.CallTo(() => this.account.PasswordMatches(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(true);

            // Act
            this.service.Login("username", "password");

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => this.account.SetLoggedIn(true)).MustHaveHappened();

        public void Should_revoke_account_after_three_failed_login_attempts()
            // Arrange
            A.CallTo(() => this.account.PasswordMatches(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(false);

            // Act
            this.service.Login("username", "wrong password");
            this.service.Login("username", "wrong password");
            this.service.Login("username", "wrong password");

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => this.account.SetRevoked(true)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Once.Exactly);

This simply extracts common setup to an init() method. However, this cleanup really shortens the individual tests considerably. It also makes their intent clearer.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

FakeItEasy Login Service Example Series – Part 1

This is the first part in a series of blog posts that will demo FakeItEasy through TDD-ing a simple Login Service using C#.

This is a port of Brett Schucherts excelent demo of Mockito in Java. As this is a demo of FakeItEasy, I will omit the refactoring part of Brett’s original example, please don’t miss it though as it can be found here. I’ve tried to stay as close to the original example as possible so that they can be easily compared.

The source for this example series can be found in a Mercurial repository at Google code. Each test implementation and following code update is a separate commit so you can easily update your repository to look at the full code at any given state. Find the repository here.

Getting started

  • Create a new class library project in Visual Studio (or your IDE of choice).
  • Create a new class library for the tests.
  • Add a reference to the class library project from the test project.
  • Download FakeItEasy and add a reference to FakeItEasy.dll from your test project. (Version is used when writing this example.)
  • Download NUnit and add a reference to nunit.framework.dll from your test project. (Version is used when writing this example.)

Writing the tests

What follows is a series of tests to get enough production code written to suggest a better implementation. The first purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate using FakeItEasy for all types other than the underling LoginService. This is close to a classic mockist approach, though it varies in that I'm emphasizing testing interaction rather than state and deliberately trying to write stable tests that do not depend too much on the underling implementation. In support of this:

  • All types used or needed by the underling LoginService will be represented as Interfaces (Interfaces will start with an I).
  • All types used or needed by the underling LoginService will be created via FakeItEasy.
  • I'm going to use Loose mocks - that is, you can call anything you want and the underling object will not complain. This is the default behavior of FakeItEasy.
  • I'm going to minimally verify the expected resulting interactions (one assertion per test).
  • I’ll only refactor the unit tests, for more on the refactoring of the production code see Brett’s original: refactoring to the state pattern.

Test 1 – Basic Happy Path

User Story

When a user logs in successfully with a valid account id and password, the account’s state is set to logged in.

The test

namespace FakeItEasy.LoginService.Tests
    using FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService;
    using NUnit.Framework;

    public class LoginServiceTests
        public void Should_set_account_to_logged_in_when_password_matches()
            // Arrange
            var account = A.Fake<IAccount>();
            A.CallTo(() => account.PasswordMatches(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(true);

            var accountRepository = A.Fake<IAccountRepository>();
            A.CallTo(() => accountRepository.Find(A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(account);

            var service = new LoginService(accountRepository);

            // Act
            service.Login("username", "password");

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => account.SetLoggedIn(true)).MustHaveHappened();

Test description

  1. This test first creates a fake for an IAccount. There's no actual account class, just the interface. This fake is configured so that no matter what password is sent to it, it will always return true when asked if a provided password matches its password.
  2. Create a fake of an IAccountRepository. Associate the fake IAccount with the fake IAccountRepository. When asking for any account with any username return the account fake created at the start of this method.
  3. Create a LoginService, injecting the IAcccountRepsitory in the constructor. This is an example of Inversion of Control, rather than the LoginService knowing which IAccountRepository to talk to, it is told which one to talk to. So while the LoginService knows which messages to send to an IAccountService, it is not responsible for deciding to which instance it should send messages.
  4. Actually send a login message, looking for account with username "username" and a password of "password". Notice that if things are configured correctly, any username will match as will any password.
  5. Use FakeItEasy to assert that the SetLoggedIn-method of the account was called.

Things Created for Compilation

To get this test to compile (but not yet pass), I had to create a few interfaces and add some methods to them. I also had to create a LoginService class:


namespace FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService
    public interface IAccount
        bool PasswordMatches(string password);
        void SetLoggedIn(bool isLoggedIn);


namespace FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService
    public interface IAccountRepository
        IAccount Find(string username);


namespace FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService
    using System;

    public class LoginService
        public void Login(string username, string password)

Failing test

Creating the test and adding all of theses classes gets my first test to Red with the following error:

Assertion failed for the following call:
Expected to find it once but no calls were made to the fake object.

Passing the test

The test as written requires that the production code (LoginService) sends a message to a particular IAccount object. The LoginService retrieves accounts via its IAccountRepository, which it received during construction. So all we need to do is remember that particular IAccountRepository object and use it:

namespace FakeItEasy.Examples.LoginService
    using System;

    public class LoginService
        private IAccountRepository accountRepository;

        public LoginService(IAccountRepository accountRepository)
            this.accountRepository = accountRepository;

        public void Login(string username, string password)
            var account = this.accountRepository.Find(username);


There we have it, our first test case implemented, in the next part we’ll create another test.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You don’t understand everything until you understand Nothing

Here’s a piece of code that might or might not do what you expect. (It depends on what you expect it to do.)

Dim someAge = "999"
Dim parsedAge As Integer? = If(someAge = "999", Nothing, Integer.Parse(someAge)) 


What will the parsedAge variable contain?


It will be a nullable integer with no value, right? Ehh, no wrong!

-So, what will it be?

Well, it will be a nullable integer – that’s the easy part – but it will have a value, zero (0)! Is this what you expected? It’s not what I expected when just gleening over the code. It’s not wrong or anything, it’s just that it’s not particularly intuitive.

It might be easier to see what happens here if we try to rewrite the same code in C#:

string someAge = “999”;
int? parsedAge = someAge == “999” ? null : int.Parse(someAge);

This will not even compile because the ternary operator must evaluate to a type and the compiler can’t figure out which type you want since an int value and null can never be of the same type.

So, why does it compile in VB? Well, because…

Nothing is not the same as null

- Huh? Nothing in VB is the same as null in C# right?

- Ehh, wrong!

Nothing is much more like the “default” keyword in C#. Nothing can be assigned to value type variables which will contain the default value of that type:

So let’s write C# code that is in fact equivalent to the VB code:

string someAge = “999”;
int? parsedAge = someAge == “999” ? default(int) : int.Parse(someAge);

Now, ofcourse “default(int)” will always return “0” so we could just as well write this:

int? parsedAge = someAge == “999” ? 0 : int.Parse(someAge);

Now it might be a bit more clear what happens; the ternary operator will always return an integer, either zero or the parsed string value, it will never return null and it will never return a nullable integer.

Now this is probably what threw me off to begin with: the result of the ternary operator is assigned nullable integer, leading us to believe that the result of the operator is a nullable integer when it infact never is. An int will be implicitly converted to a nullable int so the compiler will not complain here even though we technically have a type mismatch.